Event Schedules
These are the 2023 schedules. We will post the schedules for 2024 as soon as we know them.
Off Stage Entertainment
Less scheduled but certainly no less entertaining, our performers bring the village to life throughout the day by entertaining in the streets and in their own living history encampments.
Parades wind their way through the festival at any given moment. Step aside and enjoy the view. Do remove your hat for Her Majesty!
Look out for the Constables of The Shire. They may arrest you or put you in the stocks for some imagined transgression, but it’s all in good fun. The Northstar Penguins may also put you in the stocks and give you a good drubbing. It’s nice and cool on a hot day and is all voluntary and good fun.
The New Queen’s Ha’Penny Consort plays music to entertain Her Majesty The Queen throughout the day. And speaking of Her Majesty, don’t miss seeing our glorious Queen and her Lords and Ladies, their attendants and royal guards. You have never seen such a spectacle.
As you can see, the festival is a very musical event and there are many more musicians and singers, such as Joust Kidding, a trio of singers/actors performing period and humorous songs and sketches.
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