Buccaneer Boot Camp

Bring your youngsters aboard the Buccaneer Boot Camp, where they’ll embark on an exciting journey learning the art of swashbuckling with balloon swords.Boy With Balloon Sword

This engaging activity has proven immensely popular among both kids and parents alike. Participants not only have a blast but also acquire new skills in a safe environment, fostering a sense of camaraderie akin to being part of a pirate crew.

Best of all, there’s no fee to join (though tips are appreciated), and you’ll have three unique boot camps to choose from, all conveniently located at the Buccaneer Stage, identifiable by the towering pirate ship.

At our lively camp, we entertain with sea shanties and impart valuable nautical knowledge, enriching their pirate experience. Upon completing their training, young buccaneers receive a complimentary piece of treasure as a token of their accomplishments.

During their time at Buccaneer Boot Camp, children take center stage as we educate them on The Code, emphasizing principles such as equal pay, equal votes, and the importance of bedtime and anti-bullying measures. Following this, we arm them with Balloon Swords and instruct them in various attacks and defenses. Then, it’s time to put their newfound skills to the test in the ring, where they’ll battle it out to be the last sailor standing!

This exhilarating experience is undoubtedly a highlight of the day for youngsters, providing wholesome, family-friendly fun for all to enjoy.

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