English Renaissance: From Simple Language to Shakespeare’s Inventions and Modern English

During the English Renaissance, the English language underwent significant changes and evolved into the modern form we know today. At the beginning of the Renaissance, English was still a relatively simple language, with a limited vocabulary and a grammar that was much simpler than that of other European languages.

However, as England began to emerge as a major power in Europe, English began to acquire new words and phrases from other languages, particularly Latin and Greek. This was partly due to the influence of the Renaissance humanists, who believed that classical languages were the key to unlocking knowledge and wisdom.

As English began to absorb these new words and phrases, it also began to develop a more complex grammar and syntax. Writers like William Shakespeare and John Milton helped to shape the English language by introducing new words and phrases and by experimenting with grammar and syntax in their works.

During this time, the English language also began to establish itself as a language of literature and culture, with a rich tradition of poetry, drama, and prose. Many of the greatest works of English literature were written during the Renaissance, including Shakespeare’s plays, Milton’s epic poem “Paradise Lost,” and the King James Bible.

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Shakespeare is known for coining a large number of words and phrases that are still used in the English language today. Some of these include:





















Some of the phrases Shakespeare is credited with coining include:

All that glitters is not gold.

Brevity is the soul of wit.

Good riddance.

In a pickle.

It’s Greek to me.

Love is blind.

Salad days.

The game is up.

Too much of a good thing.

Wear your heart on your sleeve.

The English Renaissance was a time of great change and growth for the English language. The language evolved from a relatively simple form into a rich and complex one, with a vocabulary and grammar that were capable of expressing the full range of human thought and emotion. Today, English remains one of the most widely spoken and influential languages in the world, thanks in part to the innovations and developments that took place during the Renaissance.

At the Central Coast Renaissance Festival, we attempt to adopt some of the language, music, comedy, and color of the English Renaissance era. You are invited to join us on July 15 & 16 in San Luis Obispo’s Laguna Lake Park.

Tickets are here.

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