Fatherhood in Renaissance England

In Renaissance England, relationships between parent and child differed from today. Fatherhood especially meant something different.

Today, fathers are expected to take on many roles throughout their children’s lives, i.e., provider, coach, teacher, protector, cheerleader, etc. In the Elizabethan era, they adhered very closely to the fifth commandment. That commandment states “Honor thy father and mother”.

Then the emphasis was on “honor thy father”.

Following the Protestant Reformation, many books (often called conduct manuals) addressed the subject of marriage and the duties of husbands, wives, parents, and children to one another.

From them, we get a good picture of what was expected of men and their relationship with their children, especially with their daughters.

Elizabethan Life For Men

England at this time was a patriarchal society. Elizabethan family life for men was one of power. The father was the head of the household and not only his wife, but his children were to obey him.

Only fathers held all legal rights over the guardianship of their children, the mother had none. He had complete control over his family; they were considered his property to do with as he pleased.

However, men were expected to support the family. Most likely he would have followed his father’s trade, but during this time of growth and expansion, other opportunities could be pursued.

They were also expected to improve the positions of all members of the family through influence and patronage from wealthier people and families other than their own.

Men were advised to be loving, kind, and generous to their wife and children as well.

Relationships With Their Sons

Children of both sexes were subservient to the adults in the family. They were to respect and obey their parents.

Since infant mortality was high during the Elizabethan era, children of the family were cherished. They were given toys to play with – dolls, toy soldiers, hobby horses and the like. Good manners were stressed and bad behavior was punished.

Boys were educated to take over for their fathers. Also a man’s sons inherited his lands and titles.

Relationships With Their Daughters

In this male-centered society, women were thought to be of lesser status. A daughter always had to answer to her father, even into adulthood if she was still single.

Rather than being educated in schools or in their father’s trade or business, girls were taught skills to help them run their own households and please their husbands.

Because his daughters did not inherit, to ensure they were taken care of, they were married off into another man’s household.

Shakespeare dealt with the relationships between father and daughter in many of his works. If this interests you, check out Domination And Defiance: Fathers and Daughters in Shakespeare by Diane Dreher. Or read Taming of the Shrew, King Lear, and Romeo and Juliet to see how he explored this bond.

It was expected that fathers choose their daughter’s husbands for them. This usually had nothing to do with love, the basis for marriage today.

Even though women were thought to be lesser, they did have value in this transaction. It was hoped that through marrying their daughters off, the man and his family would acquire more land, titles and an increase in social status.

For their part in this contract, he would provide a dowry for his daughter. This  could include anything from money to land. The larger the dowry the more desirable the girl was to her future husband and his family. Girls had little to no say in the matter and most likely did not meet her husband until the wedding day.

Final Thoughts

If you find yourself wishing to return to more “simpler” Renaissance times, remember that a lot has changed since that time, especially where women were concerned. While it is enjoyable to go back in time and experience it by attending the Central Coast Renaissance Festival, it is also nice to know that although the bonds and relationships between father and children are still important, that children look up to their fathers and dads take care of their children, things have become more equitable in today’s society.

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