Rules For Food Vendors Only



You MUST print and have this form in your booth at all times.

 If you have any questions, please call the Fire inspection line at (805)783-7775.
Still have questions? Contact Ron DeLuca at 805-440-5875


Expanded polystyrene disposable food containers are prohibited.

  1. Food providers within the city of San Luis Obispo may not provide prepared food in or provide separately any disposable food container made from expanded polystyrene, except as exempted in Section 8.06.050.
  2. Disposable food containers made from expanded polystyrene are prohibited from use in all city facilities.
  3. City contractors in the performance of city contracts and events promoters may not provide prepared food in disposable food containers made from expanded polystyrene. (Ord. 1617 § 3 (part), 2015)

8.06.030 Required biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable disposable food containers.

  1. All food providers within the city utilizing disposable food containers shall use biodegradable, compostable, or recyclable products.

8.06.040 Prohibited sales.

No vendor or events promoter in the city may sell or otherwise provide any expanded polystyrene product which is not wholly encapsulated or encased within a more durable material, except as exempted in Section 8.06.050. This specifically includes, but is not limited to, cups, plates, bowls, trays, clamshells, and other products intended primarily for food service use, as well as coolers, containers, ice chests, shipping boxes, packing peanuts, or other packaging materials. (Ord. 1617 § 3 (part), 2015

Plastic Bottle Beverages

Sale/distribution of single-use plastic bottled beverages (under twenty-one ounces) on city property is restricted. A. On or after March 1, 2018, no person may sell or distribute bottled beverages at an event held indoors or outdoors on city property.

  1. In the event that containers greater than twenty-one ounces in size are utilized, single-use containers (e.g., single-use plastic cups) may not be used in the serving of beverages. The use of reusable containers is required. (Ord. 1641 § 3 (part), 2017)

For the complete information please click on this link Beverage Straws Upon Request.

8.09.020 On or after March 1, 2018, any vendor shall ask each dine-in customer if the customer wants a single-use beverage straw before providing a single-use beverage straw to the customer. (Ord. 1640 § 3 (part), 2017)

Additional Food Booth Requirements:

  • Extension cords must be rated for outdoor use.
  • Compressed tanks must be secured against falling.

Vendors using PLG or liquid-fueled appliances must have a wooden booth.

  • There must be a 2-foot side clearance between the cooking area and the back of the booth
  • There must be 18-inch clearances between the side and the rear of the cooking area
  • Cooking areas must be a minimum of 10 feet from any booth and be access controlled from the public.
  • Warming appliances/steaming trays, both electric and solid fuel types, must be located inside booths.
  • Deep fat fryers and other unique appliances for cooking and holding food until served will be reviewed by CDF/SLO Country Fire Department and are only approved on a case-by-case basis. Fryers must be on a board and cannot be under the cover of a booth or tent.
  • If the appliances used would require food preparation to occur outside, the Fire Marshall may evaluate the heat potential of the appliance and approve of its use within the booth.
  • Each food booth vendor must contact the SLO County Health Department at least a month prior to the festival.


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