Faire Rules & Regulations

  1. General Rules:
    • Applicable to all festival participants; paying customers are exempt.
    • Please leave current events and politics at home. Customers come to these events to escape, not to dwell.
  2. Wristbands:
    • Please write legably.
    • Wristbands must be secured on the wrist before leaving the check-in table and must be worn at all times.
    • Aalternative attachment locations (ankle, belt, armband) are not peremissable.
    • Replacement wristbands may be available at a $5.00
  3. Parking Passes:
    • Issued at check-in with a $5.00 charge per car.
    • Information required: make, model, plate number (and state), group affiliation, and responsible person’s name.
    • Legible inclusion of group affiliation and driver’s name on parking passes.
    • Provide a reachable cell phone number.
  4. Camping:
    • Limited tent camping; maximize space by camping close to neighbors.
    • No showers are available.
  5. Notes:
    • Held at 9:00 am on Saturday and Sunday.
    • Attendance is mandatory for a representative from each group and vendor.
    • Information on scheduling changes, security issues, and teardown instructions was provided.
  6. Legal Compliance:
    • Participants must comply with all Federal, State, and local laws.
    • Strict adherence to laws regarding minors, drinking, and controlled substances.
    • Violation of the law results in immediate expulsion and/or arrest.
  7. Pets:
    • No pets allowed; exceptions require proof of liability insurance and prior approval.
    • Service animals are allowed with advance approval (minimum of ten days).
  8. Cell Phones:
    • Must remain out of sight of patrons.
    • Cell phone use during the festival is prohibited; if not turned off, they must be on silent.
  9. Fire Safety:
    • All booths must have a charged, up-to-date  3A40BC fire extinguisher.
  10. Smoking:
    • No smoking on-site; enforced as per San Luis Obispo County ordinance.
    • Smoking is allowed in automobiles and nowhere else on site, including behind booths and tents.
    • Warning for the first offense; removal from the faire for the second.
  11. Weapons:
    • Peace-tied weapons at all times during the festival.
    • Untied weapons will be confiscated.
  12. Event Date Changes:
    • No refunds if event dates change; credit will be awarded for the next event.
  13. After-Hour Events:
    • Must be approved by Festival event management before gathering and festival start.
  14. Responsibility:
    • The responsible party signing the application or contract ensures group awareness of the rules.
  15. Security and Liability:
    • Security is provided for all areas, but HR and affiliates are not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen items.
    • HR has the final say in all matters.
  16. Photography and Recording:
    • Participants grant permission to be photographed and recorded for future advertising by attending.
    • Includes all members of the group.

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